This will (somewhat) chronicle the next, and so far best, chapter in my life! I've moved to Hockessin, DE with an amazing woman that I am happy to call my fiance, and soon my wife. I also have a great house, dog, and couldn't be happier!

07 June 2008

The first post!

Disclaimer: Most of these posts will be largely boring to the masses. I am using this largely as a training log, as other, traditional training log sites are more restrictive. Therefore, I'll track swims, rides, and runs here. I'll also post race reports when I finally get around to racing...

This was a good week of training, but I'll just start with today's activities.

Plan - 40 mi

Actual: 40.08 mi, 2:02:09, 19.69 mph (avg), AHR-150
Route: out at back on the Schuylkill River Trail (SRT)
Weather: humid, hot (~75 - 85 deg F), little wind

Good ride, felt good for a longer distance and not riding much the past two weeks due to work.

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