This will (somewhat) chronicle the next, and so far best, chapter in my life! I've moved to Hockessin, DE with an amazing woman that I am happy to call my fiance, and soon my wife. I also have a great house, dog, and couldn't be happier!

08 June 2008

Hottttt Day in Philly

Today's run was brutal.

Plan: 12 mi

Actual: 9.02 mi, 1:22:08, 9:06/mi, AHR-164

- brief walk

1.11 mi, 10:24, 9:22/mi, AHR-161

Everyone has their limits. Today saw record breaking heat in Philly. The temp hovered in the mid to upper 90s and was very humid. I think the heat index was around 110 for most of the day. Nonetheless, I decided to go ahead and run (being the stubborn person I am). A couple miles in, I doubted I'd make the whole 12, but I wanted to give it a shot.

This was the farthest I've run since the accident, so I don't feel too bad about not finishing or the slow pace. Too f-ing hot out there!

I was never a heat casualty in the Army and I wasn't about to start now. For you runners who might read this far - I noticed a problem when my heart rate began climbing, but my pace was getting significantly slower. Your body is about to tell you that you've overheated... I was close! That's when I decided to walk a bit to get my HR under control and cool off a bit in the shade. The second run was just to get me home, although I walked again as I didn't run the whole way.

In any case, it was a cool run because I was running along the same road the bike race was on, so I was able to see the racers several times. Great "seats" that not a lot of other people had!

*A quick note on ice baths. There are hundreds of articles about submerging yourself (or, rather your legs) in very cold water after a tough workout. I never wanted to try there are certain things about doing this that deter males...but I decided to give it a shot after yesterday's long ride, and today's long run. It works wonders! Helps a great deal in the recovery process. I'd recommend it to any runners/cyclists.

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